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Ramaz Abesadze

Annotation. Requirements of sustainable development exert a great influence on all elements of economic system: on the physical and human capital, technologies, institutions and forms of ownership. In the real work current trends of sustainable development and its global problems are studied.

Keywords: sustainable development; environmental problems; coevolution; neosphere 



Today the mankind rigidly faces problems of exhaustion of resources and violations of natural processes. This problem has drawn attention of the whole world since the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century to what not one international action has been devoted (the international conferences devoted to environmental issues and development - Stockholm "The zero growth" of 1972 and Rio de Janeiro "The agenda of the 21st century" of 1992), the report of the international commission for the environment and development (1987) - "Our common future" and others where concern has been expressed on the fact that the mankind is threatened by disaster in case of preservation of the existing rates of economic growth and production technologies. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development the essence of which consists in continuation of development of economy for meeting requirements of present generation without damage of future generations has been accepted. For this purpose it is necessary to make a rational metabolism and energy between society and the nature that the development of economy should be based on strict regularities of self-reproduction of the nature, that is there has to be a coevolution of society and the nature during which there is a transition of the biosphere of our planet to new quality – to the neosphere, thinking cover where people reduce results not only of them, but of destructive natural power of negative impact on the biosphere (R. Abesadze, 2008). 

Modern trends of sustainable development 

From current trends of sustainable development it should be noted that they gradually become more and more global, more and more states and the international organizations are involved in this process. Decisions of the international organizations in this direction become obligatory for all countries. However the role of the countries in this direction strongly differs. It is natural that in this direction the developed countries are on the advanced positions as their impact on the environment is the biggest and at the same time they have the greatest possibility of implementation of nature protection actions. From current trends of sustainable development it is also extremely important that accounting of its requirements exerts deep impact on economic growth (on growth of scales of economy) and economic development (on transition to qualitatively new more perfect state of the economy). Besides, if it is in a certain contradiction with economic growth, then it is in full consent with economic development. Sustainable development means a certain restriction not of economic development, but ofeconomic growth. Compensation of this restriction happens due to economic development, as a result of growth of comfort of society. As a result of economic development the achievement of sustainable development is possible. Sustainable development demands compliance of rates of economic growth with natural regularities, but not in the conditions of reduction of satisfaction of more and more growing requirements of society, and in the conditions of growth of human welfare on the basis of perfection of quality indicators of life. As a result, economic growth, perhaps, will replace the term – "growth of human welfare" the measurement indicators of which generally will be indicators of essential high-quality changes. Requirements of sustainable development lead to changes in distribution of resources and a deal of capacities, economic structure, the physical and human capital, quality of products, etc. The most part of resources arrives for providing actions for environmental protection while distribution of production capacities is better where more rational use of resources and the requirements of environment protection is provided. For the solution of problems on environment protection there are new areas which cause essential structural changes in economy. The same requirements generate new material-both energy saving and other ecological devices and technologies services of which are connected with emergence of new professions (environmental engineers, economist-ecologists, ecological experts, etc.). These requirements also lead to changes in institutes (in laws, governing bodies of economy, human habits, traditions, etc.). Therefore, as a result of taking into account the requirements of sustainable development the economy passes completely into a new state which high-quality changes almost in all its elements are followed by.

From current trends of sustainable development the recognition of problems of sustainable development by economic agents is also important that is stipulated by personal interests of the state environmental policy. The large companies observe requirements of sustainable development, also make a research of sustainable development

(Research… 2014)

One of the main tendencies of sustainable development is that despite growth of intensity of nature protective measures, at the modern level of development of the technique the negative impact on the environment isn't always possible to avoid. Increase in economic scales and development of new technologies after all increases the size of negative impact on the nature. But the mankind can't stop production. Therefore, carrying out production of material welfare, society always makes a certain ecological pure. Despite it we deal with a certain paradox – in the past products were environmentally friendly and the negative impact on the nature was minimum, but the standard of living quite low, and life expectancy shorter, than today.

 Important current trend of sustainable development is also that economic activity of people is strongly extended by new spheres. For example, development of the world ocean, polar zones, space and other.

Important tendency is that concentration of innovative activity in the small countries with developed economy, except some developing countries (China, Brazil, India) proceeds that will naturally be reflected on unequal development of the countries.

The world has achieved important success in the direction of sustainable development, but continuation of this process in the future by the existing rates is insufficient. There is a number of economic, social, technological, demographic and environmental problems without the solution of which constant inequality, demographic fluctuations, degradation of the environment and other problems will not be eradicated. 

Global problems of sustainable development 

In the way of implementation of the idea of sustainable development the world faces not only one problem of global and local value which carry both economic, and not economic character. Though all these problems are closely connected with economy and their decision generally depends on economic development.

Special attention was paid to global problems from 50s of the last century. Today they already strongly influence on both national and the world economy and considerably is defined by the prospects of sustainable development. We have to consider global problems of sustainable development the problems of big scales which solution is possible only by joint actions of the countries.

First of all, have to be emphasized global ecological problems[1]:

Destruction of geofund and impoverishment. It is a huge world environmental problem. Scientists have established that within the last 200 years 9 000 species of plants and animals have been lost, the amount of minerals is gradually reduced.

Problem of the world ocean. The world ocean covers 2/3 part of the earth's surface. Its chemical pollution is very dangerous as it can cause strong reduction of water and food resources and violation of oxygen balance in the atmosphere. Pollution of the World Ocean strongly grows by products of power, chemical and war industry.

Atmospheric pollution. The number of harmful emissions increases and it extends on all atmosphere and accepts global character, acid rains cause extensive damage to the wood. Global economic problems are also pollution of surfaces of a natural landscape and its distortion.

Violation of an ozone layer. Violation of an ozone layer is quite dangerous as it protects people from deadly ultra-violet radiation. The first such hole was found in 1982. Later it has become clear that the ozone layer is collapsed by jet engines of planes, spaceships and satellites.

Climate change. It can cause changes of sunlight, terrestrial orbit and bent of an axis, transparency of the atmosphere, concentration of greenhouse gases, abilities of reflection of the earth's surface, etc. It can cause the global negative phenomena: reduction of humidity of landscapes; movement of climatic and vegetable zones; thawing of ice, glaciers and eternal glaciers; rise in global ocean level; violation of circulation of oceanic water and a full hydrological cycle on earth and other.

 From global problems of non-ecological character it is possible to underline:

Problem of development of the human capital. In the modern world there are still such countries where education level is very low. According to bank of reconstruction and development the training duration in the Western Africa is only 2 years, and in tropical Africa less than 3 years, in Eastern Africa about 4 years. Thus, in the world there still is a problem of elimination of illiteracy. In Africa and the Southern Asia the quantity of illiterates at adult population is 40%[2].

Space exploration problem. The astronautics gives the real chance of creation of a new view on the world and solutions of important economic tasks: improvement of the international communication systems, long-term forecasting of weather, development of marine and air transport and other. But still there are many problems the solution of which will promote the solution of many ther global problems - for example, creation of space devices which will be able to process solar energy, to transfer the power-intensive enterprises to space and many other things.

Problem North-South. It is a problem of the economic relations between the developed and developing countries. As the standard of living between the North and the South very strongly differs from each other there are various problems, having global character. For example, the large-scale compelled migration from developing in the developed countries, an external debt, danger of diffusion of infectious diseases in the world and another[3].

Poverty problem. It is not only a national, but also global problem because of large scales of poverty around the world, especially, in developing countries. It constitutes larger danger to sustainable development[4]. By 2017 the number of the world population was 7,5 billion people. From here more than 800 million people have income less than $1,25, and more than 2,7 million people – less than $2,2, that is 36 percent of all population. The poorest countries of the world are those, where gross domestic product of population per capita fluctuates only from 600 to 1500 US dollars: Republic of the Central Africa, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Valavi, Mozambique, Guinea, Eritrea, Madagascar[5].

Alimentary problem. Is one of the most ancient global problems of mankind. Its most serious result is hunger. In recent years scales of hunger were reduced, but by 2017 they were enlarged and were more than 800 million people, that is 11% of the world population. Reason for that is climate change and augmentation of number of the military conflicts[6].

Achievements of modern science cause augmentation of alimentary production on the basis of augmentation of fertility of the earth, use of biological resources of the seas and oceans, achievements of genetics and selection and breeding of more production species of cattle.

Power problem. It is bound to providing with fuel and energies of mankind. It became a global problem from 70s of the last century when the energy crisis because of sharp increase in prices for oil began (by 14,5 times in 1972-1981). Crisis accelerated exploration works and introduction of energy saving technologies that softened its results[7].

The power problem exists because the energy resources are exhaustive. World reserves of oil according to 2016 make 1706.7.109 barrel, natural gas - 3551.6 billion cubic meters (BP Statistical … 2017) that in case of preservation of volume of consumption will be sufficient only within 50-56 years.

Problem of growth of number of the world population. Growth of the population has bilateral influence on economic growth, both positive, and negative. From the positive moments it is possible to mark out: 1. Growth of the population increases the number of labor of the country (manpower) that is necessary for expansion of production, increase in the state power. 2. In the country with surplus population, the probability that more people with distinctive talent will be born (the scientist, the businessman, the art critic, etc.) is higher, than in that country where population number is low. From negative sides It should be noted: 1. Growth of the population demands the corresponding growth of economy that has negative effect on environment; 2. As natural resources are limited, in the conditions of the infinite growth of the population, it, perhaps, will be insufficient for satisfaction of the growing requirements. Generally, the problem of growth of the population is a common world problem, but each country has to solve it independently as they face absolutely different problems. For example, if China worries about the problem of rapid growth of the population, in Georgia the situation is opposte. According to demographers, since 1990 besides separate exceptions, the number of the population in Georgia decreases (R. Abesadze, 2013).From global problems it is also possible to underline: security concerns, preservation of peace, the termination of arms and disarmament, not militarized space problems, etc.

From global problems it is also possible to allocate: security concerns, preservation of peace, termination of arms and disarmament, problem of not militarization of space, etc.

The decisions made by the United Nations indicate much attention paid to the problems of sustainable development. In 2000 "Millennium Declaration" in which 8 sustainable development goals are transferred and which implementation was followed by many positive results has been adopted. Though many problems are still to be solved. Therefore, on September 25, 2015 193 members of the UN countries have agreed about the document of sustainable development on the agenda with the title – "Transforming our world: the agenda of 2030 for sustainable development". This agenda contains 17 goals and 169 targets.

These goals are: End poverty in all its forms everywhere; End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture; Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages; Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all; Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all; Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation; Reduce inequality within and among countries; Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss; Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;  Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development[1].

[1] https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/jan/19/sustainable-development-goals-united-nations


From current trends of sustainable development should be noted:

1. They gradually become more and more global, more and more states and the international organizations are involved in this process. In this direction the developed countries are on the advanced positions as their impact on the environment is the biggest and at the same time they have the greatest possibility of implementation of nature protection actions.

2. They have deep impact on economic growth and economic development. Besides, if it is in a certain contradiction with economic growth, then it is in full consent with economic development.

3. Lead to changes in distribution of resources and a deal of capacities, economic structure, the physical and human capital, quality of products, etc. The most part of resources arrives for providing actions for environmental protection while distribution of production capacities is better where more rational use of resources and the requirements of environment protection is provided. For the solution of problems on environment protection there are new areas which cause essential structural changes in economy. The same requirements generate new material- both energy saving and other ecological devices and technologies services of which are connected with emergence of new professions (environmental engineers, economist-ecologists, ecological experts, etc.). These requirements also lead to changes in institutes (in laws, governing bodies of economy, human habits, traditions, etc.).

4. Recognition of problems of sustainable development by economic agents is also important that is stipulated by personal interests of the state environmental policy. The large companies observe requirements of sustainable development; also make a research of sustainable development (Research...2014).

5. Increase in economic scales and development of new technologies after all increases the size of negative impact on the nature. But the mankind can't stop production. Therefore, carrying out production of material welfare, society always makes a certain ecological pure.

6. The world has achieved important success in the direction of sustainable development, but continuation of this process in the future by the existing rates is insufficient. There is a number of economic, social, technological, demographic and environmental problems without the solution of which constant inequality, demographic fluctuations, degradation of the environment and other problems will not be eradicated.

In the way of implementation of the idea of sustainable development the world faces not only one problem of global and local value decision of which solution is possible only by joint actions of the countries. These problems are: global economic problems: atmospheric pollution, problem of the World Ocean, climate change, violation of an ozone layer, destruction of geofund and impoverishment; global problems not of ecological character: human development, power, poverty, space exploration, problems of growth of number of the world population, problem North-South. The decisions made by the United Nations indicate much attention paid to the problems of sustainable development. In 2000 "Millennium Declaration" in which 8 sustainable development goals are transferred and which implementation was followed by many positive results has been adopted. Though many problems are still to be solved. Therefore, on September 25, 2015 193 members of the UN countries have agreed about the document of sustainable development on the agenda with the title – "Transforming our world: the agenda of 2030 for sustainable development". This agenda contains 17 purposes and 169 aims, the most of which is directed to the solution of the above-mentioned problems. 


  1. R. Abesadze, 2008, sustainable economic development – a global challenge of the 21st century. "Collection of scientific works of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economy", volume I, Tb., "Publishing house of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economy".
  2. R. Abesadze, 2013. Economic development and growth of the population. Collection of works of the international conferences, Kutaisi, "Publishing house of Akaki Tsereteli State University".
  3. BP Statistical Review of World Energy. June 2017

https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/en/corporate/pdf/energy-economics/statistical-review-    2017/bp-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2017-full-report.pdf

  1. V.М. Klaptsov. Environmental problems of sustainable development.


  1. Emerging trends in sustainable development: an ecosystem service approach


  1. Esuna Dugarova and Nergis Gulasan. 2017, Six megatrends that could alter the course of sustainable development. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2017/apr/14/six-megatrends-that-could-alter-the-course-of-sustainable-development
  2. Trends and future of sustainable development. 2015.


  1. Research ASSA has revealed tendencies of sustainable development, 2014


  1. Space exploration problem. Global problems of mankind, 2017


[3] http://www.grandars.ru/student/mirovaya-ekonomika/problema-sever-yug/html

[4] http://www.grandars.ru/student/mirovaya-ekonomika/problema-bednosti.html

[5] http://hochusvalit.com/khochu-svalit/samye-bednye-strany-mira

[6] https://ria.ru/world/20170915/1504839896.html

[7] http://www.grandars.ru/student/mirovaya-ekonomika/energeticheskaya-problema.html